Hi !!

I'm Nour Oulad Moussa

Data scientist & Machine Learning enthusiast

I am a junior Data Scientist and M.Eng. graduate majoring in AI 🤓. I often find myself gaining a deeper understanding of human nature 🧑‍🦱 through my work with AI, as it draws inspiration from our own capabilities 💪. I appreciate that specializing in AI doesn't confine my knowledge to this field alone; instead, AI's applications extend to everything! 💊🤖💰🏭...
I enjoy organizing things 🤓 and always have a vision for the future 👁️, whether it's planning my next professional step or even just my bedtime 🙂.

Nour Oulad Moussa
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Professional Experiences

Henceforth, Rabat, Morocco

Data scientist (NLP) | Feb 2024 - Present

In an R&D environment, I worked on query expansion to improve the search engine's performance by up to 20% using the generalization capabilities of Large Language Models, while reviewing state-of-the-art papers and implementing their findings.

Keywords :

Python Pyserini LLMs Llama-3 LoRA Azure DevOps

INTERNATIONAL Travel, Tangier, Morocco

Computer vision Intern | Jun 2023 - Sep 2023

I assisted the agency's transition to digital services by automating the data entry process, specifically through the implementation of object detection and OCR technologies to extract data from passport images. This pipeline minimized errors in booking plane and hotel reservations, ultimately reducing costs.

Keywords :

Python OpenCV PyTorch Deep learning YOLO Computer Vision

ENSIAS Bridge, Rabat, Morocco

President & Survey Co-manager | Jun 2022 - Jun 2023

I was responsible for setting short- and long-term goals, managing budgets, overseeing the workflow of the club's cells, and fostering a positive atmosphere for our members. Additionally, I co-managed the survey team, which was tasked with collecting, processing, and analyzing alumni data to gain valuable insights.

Keywords :

Leadership Communication Management Python Data Analysis Infographics
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Weighted Embedding Query Expansion (WEQE)

  • Automate the retrieval pipeline for testing 15 benchmark datasets using Pyserini.
  • Implement state-of-the-art expansion methods using Prompt engineering techniques for better retrieving performance (up to 10%).
  • Implement a novel expansion method with LLMs using embeddings.
  • Conduct a comprehensive analysis to understand the effectiveness of the expansion methods.
Python Pyserini Llama-3

Moroccan Social Media Monitoring

  • Collected and processed up to 20,000 Arabic comments using web scraping.
  • Employed LDA and BERTopic fortopic modeling to derive insightful conclusions from the dataset.
  • Created data visualizations and dashboard to present the results effectively.
Python TF-IDF BERTopic PyArabic Selenium

Unsupervised Galaxy Morphology Classification

  • Implemented feature extraction using the VGG16 convolutional NN.
  • Employed K-means, Agglomerative, and Fuzzy C-means clustering algorithms.
  • Achieved a 73% accuracy rate with K-means clustering.
  • Highlighted the potential for further research to enhance unsupervised learning in galaxy morphology classification.
Python K-means Agglomerative Clustering Fuzzy C-means
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The IBM Q quantum system at Semicon West

Can Quantum computers break RSA encryption?

Published on Apr 29, 2024

Examining the possibility of Quantum computers overcoming the currently available encryption methods.

Cybersecurity RSA Quantum algorithms
A tic tac toe board

Tic Tac Toe with Reinforcement learning, part I : Markov Decision process — Value/Policy iteration

Published on Oct 26, 2023

Discussing the transformation of TIC-TAC-TOE problem into an RL framework, using MDP.

Reinforcement Learning Markov Decision Process Value Iteration Policy Iteration
TSP on map

Exploring TSP with Hill Climbing algorithms

Published on Oct 4, 2023

Exploring the TSP problem briefly and the Hill Climbing algorithm as a solution (resource/efficiency trade-off).

Artificial Intelligence Hill Climbing Traveling Salesman Genetic Algorithm
Image of a passport and its label

Image and Corresponding Label Rotation Using Python

Published on Jul 31, 2023

Bridging the gap between rotation as a linear algebra solution and its implementation to successfully rotate the image and its bounding box.

Machine Learning Python Linear Algebra Data Preprocessing
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Achievements & Contributions


Open source

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Competitive programming



Content creation

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